Thursday, October 13, 2022


11-5-00 Su 8:38 PM

I’ve got to give Gil a call. I typed fifteen minutes last night. Then I walked to Getoff’s. He’s packing up to move out after he and Carlin had a falling out. Carlin has moved to Echo Park. Getoff is still trying to decide on a place. I played around on his guitars. He put on Pink Floyd’s “Meddle” and also Eliot Smith. We drank winter ale. Estelle called. Her dog had gone missing. Getoff went to go help her post “Lost Dog” signs. I walked over to the GIP’s. He and Schwa were queuing burgers in the backyard. I played Josh’s guitars and drank a couple of Foster’s Lagers.  Schwa’s place is all kitsched out, beads hanging in the doorways, 50’s B-movie posters on the walls. He was generous, but something struck me as phony. He seems to want to compensate for insecurities in his stature with arrogance and energy. He talks about himself incessantly without ever expressing any curiosity about anyone else. I ate three hamburgers.

Rochelle was home from her mom’s when I walked in at our place. We went to bed shortly thereafter. We were going to watch “Casablanca,” but I was too tired. Rochelle wanted to yankee my wankee, but I wasn’t into it. She got miffed. Whatever. So when I’m done here, I’ll read the paper. Then a third person. I’m falling behind on the Koran [photo of third grade students gathered around a computer]. Put some more rain [pencil sketch of a boy in the photo] into the Meatloaf scene. Maybe we’ll watch some movies tonight. I have to put some stuff in the mail. Deposit that check from my brother. What are the odds of it bouncing?


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