Wednesday, August 17, 2022

10-9-00 Disappointing Cheesy Holiday

 10-09-00 M 11:37 AM

I typed fifteen minutes last night and read ten pages of the Koran about repentance and the doom of the unbelievers. Then we put on "Sergeant York" and watched about twenty minutes before we got sleepy and turned it off. I dreamed I was a gifted guitar player. Waking up was such a disappointment. We had to take the pup to the vet. She says now that her condition cannot be mange; it must be an allergy; keep her on antihistamines and give her thrice weekly oatmeal baths. Ha. Cost: One hundred thirty dollars. We dropped the pup off at home and went to the hardware store for a gallon of "Cutesy Pink" paint and a quart of "Pink Tease" for the baby's room. Got some brushes and rollers and pans and stuff. Cost: Fifty-something bucks--a relative bargain. Now we're home. Rochelle's making waffles and sausage. I still have to try to fix my bike. I think I need a new wheel. When I finish this, we'll eat, and I'll read the newspaper. Then we've got to go up to Crate and Barrell and then to Macy's. When we get back, I'll do a third-person page, and read Mysteries of the Bible. It's a cheesy book, and I'm reading it. Then I've got to work on Jim and figure out what to do with the bike. Should we make that London broil tonight? We'll watch "York." Back to school tomorrow. We're off today for Yom Kippur/Columbus Day. I don't understand how either is a school holiday. Let’s celebrate genocide! Whatever. I feel like a shower. The house is a mess. Ol’ Rawler called to go fishing today, but I couldn’t go because we have to paint. I wonder when the next big earthquake is coming. This place will be a wreck. Nothing is bolted down. I don’t know how to shut off the gas. What else? There’s no baseball today. I want to ask Thing about the “Monster Mash” movie. Our sofa is filthy because Rochelle thinks it is cruel and unusual punishment to keep the dog off of it. She’s up here now with a dirty chew toy. I can’t get her, Rochelle, to keep the doors closed, either. I just give up, but you can see how some men beat their wives. Yeah, right.


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