Friday, July 08, 2022

Pregnancy or..?

 10-3-00 1:30 PM W

I'm at school. The kids are reading their papers about The Giving Tree. I typed fifteen minutes this morning. I took the car today because the back tire on my bike is still wobbly. I got a newspaper. Palestinians and Jews are suffering through another paroxysm of violence. Bush and Gore dueled to a yawn in their first debate. A's beat Yanks, Seattle over Chisox, and the Cards topped Atlanta. It's a bit chilly today. My nose is running. I could go for a smoke. Rochelle has to work four to one tonight. I think I'll drop her of so I can pick up some books. Pick up a new copy of Catcher in the Rye. Maybe a CD. Get a radio. I ate Cheerios for breakfast. I had a bagel with cream cheese, an orange, and coffee for lunch. We have eleven pages to go in Of Love and Other Demons. Marquez is a master. Love is a demon. I got stinky farts. Ugh. I wish I could quit my night school job. I've got piles of shit on my desk at school and on my desk at home. The Giants and Mets are on the radio. They'll be on TV when I get home in an hour. Oakland and New York start at five, but I'll have to leave for work shortly after six. What else? I have to rad some more about the Joy of Fatherhood. 3:09 PM I'm home now. Rochelle skipped work again. You wonder how much of this pregnancy fatigue is just a weak psychological constitution. Whatever. What else? We gave the dog another medicated mange bath. She writhes against the easy chair trying to wipe the shampoo off. It's supposed to stay on for thirty minutes, but she won't stand for it. We have to buy paint and get a dresser and measuring tape and curtain rods. [post card of Lake Arenal with the volcano rising beyond]



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