Saturday, June 18, 2022

9-22-00 Possessed by the Devil

 8:52 PM F 9-22-00

I'm in the living room sitting on the dog. [school photo of the Village Chief's Daughter] Dirty couch, go the movie "The Abyss" on the tube. Rochelle will be home in about an hour. I typed fifteen minutes. Played guitar a little. It's raining on the last day of summer. That's the Village Chief's Daughter: A virtual stranger to whom I mean nothing, but who has had a major impact on my life. If not for her, I might be married to Shirelle right now. Whatever. I wish I had some weed. I changed the channel. Now there's a documentary on about Diego Rivera. What if I was drunk? Would I have something to say? I'm tired. I could just sleep. I still have the crib to put together. Still have scattered messes throughout the house. A third-person page. I wish I was a great artist. I wonder if I could have been. Whatever. The dog sleeps on the couch. How does he get his ideas? What can I sketch? [blue ink sketch of sleeping dog] Shall I put the guitar case under the bed? My teeth hurt. I wish I had some weed. I have some acid indigestion. What else? My head hurts. Maybe if I turn the TV off. Then, I'll be able to think. Then my imagination will roam. The trash cans need to be brought in [blue ink sketch of a martini] from the street. The dampened streets glow in the night. I think I have the hantavirus. I wish I had some weed. On one side of the house, the DJ neighbor is playing some hipster funk, on the other side of the house, some kid is practicing flute. Thing wants to go to the Roxy tomorrow to see Hank Williams III. Maybe I'll go. I miss being able to hit on women. I wish I had gifts, or, if I have gifts, I wish I knew how to take advantage of them. What is my fatal flaw? What is my major malfunction? The wild girls The wild gifts. Sierra Maria has been left at the convent, and the nuns, believing she has been possessed by the devil, have taken up gambling and liquor. I'll be up around six or seven tomorrow. Eight at the latest. I'll read the paper by nine. I'll put on some college football and put the crib together. I'll have to pick up some grub from the market.



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