Saturday, March 12, 2022

 7:45 PM Th 7-26-00

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that it is possible to know a subatomic particle's position or its momentum but not both. The very act of observing changes the behavior. (?!) Mindblowing. I'm at LA High. I teach here now instead of Pio Pico. I think we're going to the Bounty tonight. I'll have to call Rochelle. I typed fifteen minutes today. Then I read some of Mailer's musings on Miller's supposed surrealism. No doubt, Miller sometimes wanders into the surreal, but Mailer hardly touched on it, preferring to quote Nin's diary entries about her opinion that Henry lacked a philosophy. 11:36  F 7-27-00 I'm in room fifteen at Wilshire Hill where I've taken on an Emergency Immigrant English Program for third graders. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Rochelle takes the dog out every hour and then calls and calls for her to come back in, but she won't come, so I have to go get her. I keep telling Rochelle that if we feed and give Lulu water on a schedule, she won't have to go out at night, and that what she is doing is training Lulu to go out and shit and piss all night long. She ignores me and the dog ignores her. Whatever. It's Friday. I haven't eaten today. I read the news. I was right about the daughter in the Pico Rivera murders.  I went to the Bounty last night. It was boring. I'll have lunch when I get home in an hour. I might smoke and drink and write and take a nap and send out more thank-you notes and fiddle with that camcorder. Maybe I'll go to the museum tonight. Or maybe I'll take Rochelle out. Or maybe I'll go out with Thing. Who knows? Whatever. I'll put a photo here. [under exposed photo of Carlos and Agatha on parlor couch]


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