Tuesday, July 06, 2021


5-22-00 M 1:14 PM

I had a bit of a headache Saturday morning. Mariachi came over. Tim came over with his van. We went with Tim to look at HUD homes. They should be called Hood Homes. Tim had beer and Bloody Mary fixin’s in the van. And weed. We took a ghetto tour. Mariachi was sour. It was inexplicable to him that we would look at HUD homes. He talked to Fred and Sanyo on his cel phone. “I don’t know. I can’t explain it. You know how it is with Zurn. I’ve been hoodwinked. I should just say “Zurn” and that should explain it.” We were gone all of about forty-five minutes. When we got back to the house Tim bailed. I rode with Pablo to Esteban’s house to watch the Laker game. THAT was what was weird. Mariachi would rather pick me up in LA and drive us to Pasadena and then bring me back and drive home again rather than just watch it at my house and make one round trip instead of two. They ordered nasty undercooked pizza and loved it. Mariachi played video games the whole time. After the Lakers won, we went to the batting cages. We couldn’t hit eighty miles per hour and had it lowered to seventy-five. That was better. We went back to Pablo’s afterward. He has a video game in which you control a guy; you have to make him eat, sleep, piss, shower, and go to work. That really blew my mind. I was astounded. Flabbergasted. Stupefied. Was it the absurdity? The redundancy? If they ever come up with a video game in which you make your guy breathe in and breathe out, I’m getting it for Mariachi. After he and Sanyo showered, (ella estaba muy guapa), and Fred showed up, we drove back to LA. I showered. We waited for Rochelle to come home from work. We ended up going to El Compadre. The Mariachis were nice enough to pick up the check in honor of my birthday. We had wanted to go out after, but we were all too stuffed and too tired. Rochelle and I just went home and went to sleep. I read the newspaper Sunday morning. We had a game at Crystal Springs in Griffith Park at 3:30. We won 17-6.


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