Wednesday, March 27, 2019

God Bless the Man Who Says Religion Is For Weak-Minded People

Mon 2:29 PM 10-4-99
I'm at school.  The bell's about to ring to go home.  We were going out to play handball, but the kids were so noisy in front of the teacher next door's open door, I made then come back in and put their heads down.  I added another sentence to Jim this morning.  I ate a bowl of cereal and half a bagel with cream cheese.  I made two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to bring to school with me for lunch.  I picked up the newspapers; La Opinion had news about the quake in Oaxaca.  The Times had a lot of stories about next year's presidential campaigns.  I don't know who I like between Gore and Bradley, but Bush seems too inexperienced.  Ventura is in a lot of hot water for saying religion is for weak-minded people.  The opiate of the masses, no?  God bless him. The kids talked about their weekends and wrote in their journals.  At recess, I read an Opinion story about La Primera Guerra Mundial.  Sounded like the world brought it upon itself more than any one country or another.  This story placed the cause of the war in an 1888 conference in which the European powers divvied up Africa like they were sharing a pie.  The Germans didn't get any.  Ugh.  We did a phonics sheet page and a couple of worksheets.  The phonics page was about a trip to the zoo.  The math was about addition and subtraction and using logic to determine the winner of a race.  I ate my sandwiches and read more of the paper at lunch.  After that we had silent reading.  During social studies, we talked about prairies and forests.  We read that forests were lands with many trees, and prairies were lands with many grasses.  Then I'd ask, "What's a forest?" and one imbecile after another would answer, "A prairie?"  So the kids have all gone home now.  I've got to go to LACAS and buy a bunch of books.  Then I'll be able to watch the first half of the one-game playoff between the Reds and the Mets to determine the Wild Card winner before I have to go to work.  I need to read some Caribbean and type fifteen minutes.  Watch "A Simple Plan."


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