Wednesday, January 30, 2019

9-14-99 Tu 1:50 PM
Ashyadee is reading "The Emperor's New Clothes" to the class. The class is not really listening.  No they are, though, because the just heard that "stupid people" cannot see the tailor's clothes.  I ate a Fi-Bar and some celery and peanut butter after I finished typing this morning. I drank some apple juice and coffee, took my vitamin, and rode up to school.  I stopped by the newspaper stand by the donut shop on Olympic and La Brea. Someone had left an LA Times on top of one of the stands. So, I got La Opinion for a quarter and saved ten cents.  A gang of kids followed me as I walked across the playground with my bike. "I didn't know teachers could ride bikes," said one little girl.  I wanted to read some of the paper before class, but Antwon was here buggin'.  "Why don't you go bug your new teacher?" I said.  "She's mean," he said.  "Well, so AM I!" I roared, and he ran out of the class.  The bell rang before I'd read much, and I went out to get the kids.  Ms. V.S. looked especially lovely this morning.  When we got to class, we spelled "Tuesday" and discussed tropical islands.  I showed pictures of Dominica, Haiti, Java, the Caymans, and Trinidad and Tobago.  We discussed what makes them tropical, and we talked about the equator and the Earth's tilt as it revolves around the sun.  After that, we did some phonics.  Paco Vireya has some sort of processing deficit.  My assistant, Toya, brought me some mail from the Salary Allocation Unit.  I've gone up a step on the pay scale.  It says I've been placed on schedule 23T whatever that means.  Maybe someone at the staff meeting will know, or I can ask Phylicia.  I had to Xerox some math worksheets at recess.  We studied the properties of addition and checked the homework.  I made Jaleeza cry when I gave her the homeless speech in stern tones for note doing her homework.  Florelle said she may work at LACAS.  We're going to the office after school today so I can introduce her to Claudine, the principal.  Scully said she liked my tie, green on green.  I went to Taco Bell at lunch.  Spent $4.19 on a burrito, taco, and iced tea.  Finished the sports page.  Since then, we've been reading, but now we've got to go over our social studies.  That's all for now. 


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