Monday, January 22, 2018

5-20-99 Th 11:36 AM
I've been standing on Hollywood Boulevard for three hours waiting to go into the Mann's Chinese to see the new "Star Wars" movie.  I was the fourth person in line when I got here, but the people in front of me have since let in about ten Johnny-Come-Latelys go in front of them.  I'm going to make sure to sit tall right in front of one of them with my hat on high.  I've been reading the paper while I wait and listening to a zealot who's waiting in line to see it for the fourth time in the last thirty-six hours.  He named his son Annikin after the young Darth Vader.  I'm standing on Glenn Miller's star.  It's overcast today.  I picked up some Carl's Jr. to eat while I waited.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.
I'm in the theater now.  Big red curtain.  Chinese art.  Ornate ceiling.  The movie is scheduled to start in about thirty minutes.  The Star Wars nerds are buzzed.  I'm sitting closer than I want to just so I can sit tall in front of the little bastard who was letting everyone cut in line.  After the movie, I'll head home and type.  I'd like to take tonight off from night school.  The popcorn smells good, but I'm full of Carl's Jr. What else?  I would like to get good and drunk today.  I have to spend hours, hours, hours working on Jim today.  He said, "Oh, wait a minute man.  We just have to get a lug wrench.  It won't take a minute."  "Sorry, sir.  Store's closed."  He was an officious little fat son of a bitch, a guy used to getting kicked around who looked for and savored every opportunity to exert what little authority he had over others.  "Come on, dude.  It's an emergency.  Besides, it's only five to nine.  According to the door, you should be open five more minutes."  "Not according to my watch," he said and walked away.  "Grbtfuckingfucker," Jim said to a trashcan by the door before spitting on the glass.  His eyes hurt.  The muscles in his jaw pained him.  The energy of his anger pumped through his arms and legs.


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