Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2-22-99 M 1:03 PM
I'm at the Hyatt downtown for a meeting my principal sent me to on "standards-based assessment."
It's another one of these things where they spend eight hours telling you something they could tell you in two.  My shoulder is screaming.  My thumb is groaning.  I think my baseball season is over.  I couldn't sleep last night, the pain was so agonizing.  I'm sure I've torn my rotator cuff.  Maybe I'll have to have surgery.  Whatever.  Shirelle gave me a ride here.  I was a half hour late.  There was plenty of cream cheese but no bagels by the time I got here.  So I went to a Carl's in the mall and got a double bacon cheeseburger.  I saw Florelle' beau Saulo.  We went to lunch together.  What else?  I got a paper.  A girl gave me some Tylenol.  What else?  I'm going to take the subway back.  I'll meet Shirelle at her office.  I told her I'd meet her at her office and we could order Neil Young tickets.  I don't know how I'm going to write on the chalkboard at night school with this shoulder.  I rented "Under the Volcano."  Maybe I can watch it tonight.  What else?  The wind knocked out the power twice last night.  Too bad I'm so tired and hurt and have to work tonight or I could wait for Shirelle at The Bounty with some bourbon.  Maybe she'll let me take her car home to nap for a while.  What else?  I added some slop to Jim Saturday; yesterday--nearly nothing.  I wonder who's here from Sharp?  What else?
3:50 PM
I'm at The Bounty now.  The class ended Julia Mirella, from my old school, came over to say hello.  I walked her to her car and she filled me in on all the latest Sharp Ave. gossip, none of it compelling.  Some teachers there have fallen in love.  Makes me rue Shirelle's lack of education.  Oh well, right?  Ugh.  What else?  The train ride was uneventful.  I sat across from a broken-backed old man with scabs on his scalp.  I departed the train and ascended to Vermont, donning mirrored shades.  An old Korean squatted and squirted on the sidewalk.  She asked if I had a twenty or a five.  "'fraid not," I said.  She had a tattoo on her dusty-looking forearm.  She said, "Oh, well.  Tough titties."  I almost gave her money after that, but she had moved on.  Shirelle wanted me to meet her boss.  "Congratulations," he said.  "She's quite a catch."  I wondered if he really meant that. 


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