Sunday, November 04, 2012


M August 18 8:43 PM
From my desk.  The fan squeaks overhead.  We like to joke that the blades will come flying off one day and decapitate me.  Jim and Aaron are waiting for me.  I cleared half my desk, sort of.  I should go turn over my tape.  The computer hums steadily.  Some barely discernible tv dialog.  A-Team reruns.  Take me down...      I got a post card of Glacier National Park from my Stepmother.  I'm going to rent some videos.  Shirelle's coming over.  Thing just went into the fridge.  I ate at Jack in the Box today.  I bought a new VCR at K-mart, and a new coffee pot.       John Bayless just called.  He and Peter Lee may be coming up to LA tomorrow.  There's a John Williams concert and interviews on PBS right now.  They're playing the theme from "Schindler's List".  What else?  Tomorrow I'll take some clothes to the tailor.       The applause!  The ovation!       This tape isn't the tape I thought it was when I bought it.       What else?      I watched Mission Viejo win their Little League World Series game.  Saw the Angels lose.  Saw Rob Johnson lead the Jaguars over the 'Niners.       I can't think.  ---my drug-addled brain.    The Stephen King movie, "Needful Things" is on.  Lots of Maine scenery.  What else?  I should call Kayo and Seedy-O.  Ug.  What else?  I lay in Shirelle's bed and said all the things I saw in the ceiling.  I don't remember them now.  Animals, birds, continents.  Got a stomach full of grease.  I can't think of anything to write.  The ways of seeing things, their physical properties, their histories, their uses, the visions, and thoughts and memories they trigger.  There's pressure now because Shirelle's waiting to come over.  My shoulder hurts again.  I won't be able to work on Jim tonight now unless I wait for her to go to bed.  Buttons snap against the insides of the drier.  What else?  I had alcohol poisoning this morning.  The clouds were hot pink at sundown tonight.  I put on a Ben Harper tape--sort of would-be Jimi-Hendrix blues.  Reading the lyrics was boring.  The music is cool.  Got to go over the JC notes.  Maybe I'll have another bowl of cereal.  Read some Vonnegut.  Work with Jim.  Work on Jim. Tomorrow I want to wake up by eight.  Maybe I'll walk up to Bob's and the backpack place.  Read and write up there.  I need to increase my correspondences. 


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