Monday, October 15, 2012

8-3 11:15 AM W
The Science Lab at Leo Politi.  T.A. Hernandez is leading the aphasia kids and Ms. Alvarez's class in construction of low-budget kaleidescopes.  Everyone is helping out, except me, who somewhat conspicuously does nothing.  Ms. Alvarez is nice, friendly and involved.  I must appall her, with my do-nothing stance. 
I brought a microwave meal for lunch in a half hour.  After school today, I'll do some more frame shopping.  Robinson/May is having a sale on frames.  I'm not sure where one is around here, except I think there's one downtown.  I'll go to Aaron Brothers on La Brea today.  Got to teach night school tonight.  Shirelle will be coming over.  Friday is probably pay day.  I'm done reading the newspaper today.  I've got about another eighty pages of McMichael poems .  The microwave just dang.  I took out my roast turkey medallions and mushrooms in sauce and blew on each bite before eating it.  It's gone now.  I'm still hungry.  I'll wait until after school and have a grilled cheese and celery with peanut butter.  Before I go up to Aaron's.  There's a flag on the bulletin board here in the teacher's lounge.  It is a parody of the Raider logo and the Jolly Roger.  Instead of a skull and crossbones, it has an upside-down schoolhouse and crossbones; and instead of "Commitment to Excellence" it says, "Commitment to Ignorance."  It must have been for some ballot initiative, referendun, propostion propaganda.  I think I will take it when no one's in there.  What else?  The poems are getting boring.  It's some kind of British port during the industrial revolution, McMichael addressing his ancestors I guess.  What else?  I didn't last long enough for Shirelle last night.  What else?  I'll call the credit union to do a balance inquiry on my checking account.  I wonder if I saved any money.  I have to call Jose's mom.  I'm still supposed to call Jackson's mom, too.  Got KLON on the radio here.  Some gentle jazz.  When the kids come back, I'll slap in "Jungle Cat."  After that, there will still be an hour before I can bail.  I wish I could fast forward through tomorrow.  I'll read those poems as best I can next.  They're so boring, I'm not paying much attention.


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