Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Kill, Kill, Kill the White Man

4-16 W 8:18 AM
Here we go again. We're watching a rip-on Whitey video to increase our awareness of multicultural diversity. Thank god today is the last day, and then we can go back to school and I can be with my cool-ass kids.
Killing me. This shit is killing me. They just showed a video of "minorities" complaining about the "racist dominant white culture" in America. Nary a white kid was interviewed for his perspective. I guess it's just assumed that white people are predominately racist. I said, "I live in LA and work in Pacoima; sometimes days and days will pass before I see another white person."
I mention that this is racism, too, singling out one group for blame and then non-representing or misrepresenting them or generalizing them all. This falls on deaf ears. Here, people are preoccupied with the worries of their own people. People here seem to want revenge on whites.
What else? Here comes that white geek. Can't stand this dude. I want to tell these people, "Look! The guy I dislike the most here is my own race. It doesn't matter what color you are. It's whether or not you're cool."
I see no future. It's work, write, work sleep; work, write, work, sleep. Come Friday, who knows? This life is so ordinary. I wish there was something to think about besides this fucked up racism shit.
Marti says, if a Mexican marries a Mexican, you give a three hundred dollar gift, but if a Mexican marries a non-Mexican, you only give a hundred dollar gift.
Don't tell me where I can and can't go. You can't hold me here against my will. I'm going to bail early for sure. I'll read and write myself into my little dead end. Too bad I can't get drunk. What the hell else? It's sunny. The traffic on the one o one sucked again. I forgot my little tape recorder. A Morris the Cat clone with a loose belly hanging down wanders around the grounds here. Fuck fuck fuck. The tile is green. Somebody brought jello dalmatians. Rosa is the biggest racist in the room. Worse, she propagates an attitude of victimhood rather than one of empowerment among the races she wants to promote. She makes everybody weaker. She is dissolving the intra-racial bands that have already been formed.
I feel empty again today. My life is empty. It's not mine. If it was, maybe I could fill it up. What else? What else? This is boring the crap out of me. Fuck it all. I'm not going to be able to write anything that doesn't include the word fuck. Jeff is going fishing in British Colombia with his dad this summer. I'll be teaching summer school. I might have a free week or two to wander.


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