Saturday, July 26, 2008

So There!

Oct 3 Thurs
     The truth lodged (for the winter) in his throat like a foreign object.  She thought of performing the Heimlech.
I'm at the Hollywood Athletic Club pool hall in University City at the bar in front of game 2 of the Dodger/Brave playoff game awaiting my Introduction to Fiction extension class in an hour at 7:00.  At the last class they asked us to tell what we joped to accomplish by taking the class.  I hope to edit the fifteen pages I have and add another quality 10 pages.  I think I mostly need help with character development beyond my main character.  Immediatley I am trying to create dialogue between the main character and a character who has just been introduced, and I don't know what to have them say to each other.
-A lecherous-looking, white-haired, must be the manager makes wolf in sheep's clothing eyes at the barmaid.  Will I be any different?
Sam Beckett's oddly older companions took him out partyin' on London's west side.  What mean the bottle he has got stuck on his finger?  Alcoholism, most likely.
-Completed my alcohol class last night.  I have only a follow up interview and then I'll be free of it.  'Twasn't so bad
-It's crappin' time again.
A visitor to LA from Ireland just bestowed upon me a Hamlet cigarette.  It was good.  Can't get them here, he says.
Bebop skadiddly wop, blimps dance on TV.  Ray Milland hallucinated rodents and bought a gun with thoughts of suicide.  The beautiful lover postpones with thoughts of a miracle when the bartender arrives on the scene with Don's (Milland's character's) typewiter, saaving the day and presumably the future.
-A crew of Amazons in here is promoting a Brazilian beer "Rio Cristal".  I fuckin' bought one.
-I'd like to eat but the food here's too pricey.            Hopefully, maybe I'll catch a few flicks at the theater near here after school while I wait for my fiction class to begin each week.  Hopefully maybe I won't just drink every time. 
The Irishman assumed we smoked Cuban cigars and was at first surprised to hear they were illegal until considering the political climate in Washington toward Castro.
-Meanwhile, Juan Castro has taken over for Delino DeShields at second base, answering the prayers of Dodger fans.  Fred "Crime Dog" McGriff just homered to tie the game for the Braves.
Almost there~~Stay on target~~~Almost there.
-Now rookie Jermaine Dye has parked one to give the Braves the lead  Muffhuggin eexcruciatin'.

So there!


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