Thursday, July 31, 2008

It Didn't Take Long

Henry Elkin--Stanley?

Aaron must be the trouble maker until tomorrow morning.
First line has to hold the promise of something special.--Not necessarily.
Embrace confusion?
October 4 Friday
I was just typing a handwritten journal from 1992 when I was twenty-four years old. Thoughts competing. The Yanks and Rangers again. I smoked some. Having a hard time engineering a logical train, not that it has to be necessarily, but...Man, The GIP has got me on the phone again. It took a few minutes, but he is gone now. It seems maybe I've matured some and my writing, too. I still suck, but I'm way more consistent and disciplined. My journals from 1992 embarrass me, as I'm sure these will in a few years or minutes. It's no wonder the old man couldn't stand me.
Martinez came up the stairs again, this time for the rent check. I laughed and remarked on the juniordom of my moniker on the checks.
A kid got run over near school yesterday. All the newspapers had been stolen when I arrived at school today. So I bought one here at Seven Eleven when I bought wine coolers. It had a Metro section instead of the Valley section, and I didn't see anything in there about the runover kid. I spoke with my maternal grandmother, Vera Cosgrove Eaton Norfolk. My mother is in Hawaii for the week and asked me to call on my grandmother while she is away.
-I just walked into the bathroom where I pinched my face until maggots squirmed from the pores. It didn't take long.
-The assignment due next week is five to seven first lines and two short stories about ourselves, one true, one false.
-I ate at Carl's Jr., a double western bacon cheeseburger with lettuce and mayonaise for breakfast this morning. When I got home, I toasted and ate two slices of shepherd's bread with peanut butter, one of my grampa Zurn's favorite staples. I'm hungry again. I've got vapor lock again.
-Ok ok let's go hurry it up move along. Watch for the crossing guard. Walk the treadmill. / How'bout an outdoor lesson? Got to Got Got got to go to the DMV. The Thing just came home. I told him someone called asking for The Thang. He said, the other day some homo called asking if he was the same Thing listed in the personal ads last week. He said, "I said, 'no'. but my roommate is."
-Now The GIP calls and says, "Let's see the movie 'Flirting with Disaster' at the New Beverley for two fifty." I relented. Now I'll have to go put a shirt on.
What about my typing?


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