Sunday, August 20, 2006

Isn't It Magical?

Nov. 28, 1995
Jeez I've been busy. Much has gone on since the last entry, though little of consequence. Back from Baja and life is a routine bore. I'm waiting to download something called a "World Wide Web browser" onto the internet of my computer. Cyberspace, here I come. Says it'll be another twenty-five minutes. The movie "Nuts" with Richard Dreyfus and Babs Streisand is on. I'm not watching it, but I can't think of anything else to say. I smoked a little just now. Ealier this evening I was talking with Joe Kennedy at school. He had been playing the piano, quite well, along side the Christmas tree. A girl named Ashley, who is a grown woman, walked in and said, "Look at the tree! It's SO cute. Isn't it magical?"
"I guess that means I've gotta go to the fecking mall soon," I said to her. She was horrified and turned away from me without comment.
Yesterday at the California Buffet, they were playing Christmas music through the speaker in the ceiling. I said to one of the other teachers, "What's with all the Christmas music? I don't even want to hear about Christmas til about December fifteenth or so."
So, Joe was playing the piano so well even the Christmas songs sounded good. I was trying to sneak my folder into the file so I could go home early, but all the Site Coordinators were in there listening to Joe play the piano. I sat down and he played something I'd never heard before. "Do you write this stuff yourself, ur...?" I asked.
"This? No, no. This is an old standard. 'Autumn Leaves'. But I write, too. He switched to something new. "I wrote this on acid," he whispered to me.


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