Thursday, February 08, 2024

 7-18-01 W 3:00 PM

I wrote 15 minutes last night. I got an incredible amount done yesterday. Naturally, I'm following it up today by seriously lagging. I didn't read or write at all before school. I rode my bike. As soon as I arrive, Mrs. Rogers wanted to see me. Because I hadn't applied for the job initially, she said, my seniority was not a factor, and Ms. Skully was going to be taking my class. I could take a class in Tarzana. This was clearly a sexist fuckover with cliquish corruption from a gang of cunts with no regard for right or wrong as long as they got what they wanted. I pretended grace and asked no questions. For the people to whom truth matter, and there are more than a few around here, it is no surprise that Skully would stab someone in the back, fuck you over, and screw her grandmother out of nickel on her deathbed, and try to have you understand "it's nothing personal."

A woman walked in wearing over a bikini a tank top sporting a rendition of Snoopy in Sopwith Camel and the name of a place called Bally's Cockpit.

So, I said okay and taught up until recess when Skully was supposed to take over. I started thinking about these old battleaxe teachers like Mrs. Johns--there'd be no way she'd get displaced by a junior teacher, regardless of any paperwork technicality. I returned to Mrs. Rogers and asked if she was sure and who else could I call and what exactly was my payroll status? She started saying okay, we'll call this person and that person. Then the secretary said room 25, with 9 orthopedically handicapped kids and 2 aides, needed a teacher. Great, I said, I'll take that one. Rogers said, Great, you start Monday. I thought, Great, I got three days off, still have a job and won't be driving to Tarzana every day this summer. Then she said, and we'll just pay you for the whole day today, but you can go home now. Go tell Skully. Ha ha.

Now, I'm at Sloan's with Elmer. I beat him at eight ball, two to one. We had split pitchers at Papa Rico's, and I called in sick to LACAS.


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