Wednesday, January 31, 2024

7-14-01 Baby Valkyrie


7-14-01 Sa 1:59 PM

I think I’m done writing about the Lassen Trip. I finished it yesterday on the laptop at Wilshire Hill where I’m teaching summer school. I got home in time to take Rochelle and Ada to the Hollywood Bowl for the Bugs Bunny show. It was cool. The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra plays cartoon music while the cartoons are shown on the big screen. They started out playing “Flight of the Valkyries,” and I held Ada over my head so that she was flying to the music. A hundred people were cracking up. It was so much fun to watch all those old cartoons with twenty thousand other people. Some of the old gags you’ve seen over and over again are riotously funny when contagious laughter spreads through a mob like that. [color photograph of an abandoned old church in the Idaho wilderness]

 Sunday, we went to see Rawler and Andi and Hunter and three-week-old Margeaux. She had an amazing head of hair, and even her arms and shoulders were coated with newborn fuzz. I made a tape Saturday morning of Ada and Lassen to send to Idaho. I tried to take it to the post office, but the post office was closed. I puttered about the house stowing my gear. Caroline came over. Thing and Leslie were having a party at their new place in the old bank district at Skid Row. Their windows open out onto the roof. {black and white photo of steam rising from boiling tarn, Bumpass Hell, Mt. Lassen]



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