Saturday, September 20, 2014

8-8-98 Sa 4:53 PM
Shirelle's in the shower.  She wants me to go with her to see her best friend's, Demona's, boyfriend's band play somewhere on Pico, have a few drinks with them after, then go to a party in Hollywood Hills.  Naturally, I don't feel like going. 
We went.  It was lame beyond description.  The band never went on.  We just hung out in a nasty junkyard.  Now we're back at the house.  "The Godfather III" is on.  The situation is hopeless.  My spirit fled when I didn't write so that I could preserve Shirelle's idea of our social standing in her world. 12:08 AM  I just finished off that Maughm book--what a pompous, conceited, arrogant fuck that guy was.  I'll never read another word of his.  Okay, maybe I'll read Of Human Bondage one day.  What next?  I'll read some shorts and some poems.  Maybe Eliot's Wasteland.  I'm in my room.  Shirelle's in the living room watching "Sex in the City".  I was thinking tonight for the first time how hopeless it is with her.  I feel like I'm on Death Row tonight, a man resigned to his fate, like a grunt on the front of an amphibious landing craft on it's way to Omaha Beach on D-Day.  The die is cast, my downfall is written.
Rawler called to invite me to tomorrow's Dodger game with his brothers.  I should not have accepted, but I did.  Tomorrow is my youngest sib, Mardi's birthday.  Maybe I'll try to get down there early.  Rosalia's having a party in Downey tomorrow.  I may have to skip that.  Shirelle's got a BBQ lined up for her best friend, Demona's boyfriend's birthday.  Luckily, I'm excused.  I've got to get that plane ticket from my mom and decide whether or not to change it.  I wonder if I can golf tomorrow.  Probably not.  I won't get to read or write much tomorrow either.  Maybe I better start Jeremiah tonight.  I suspected Shirelle was up to no good, so I went out to check under the guise of going to the fridge.  She was smoking a cigarette in the house which she always says she never does.  I said, "I thought you said you don't smoke in the house?"
Get this: Her answer was, "I'm cleaning the living room."

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